There are characters who exist in the main story and characters who exist in the story-within-a-story of “The Painted Lady”. Let’s start with the the haunted cabin story, and meet our main characters...
Jill Watson
A smart horror movie writer with a sarcastic wit and a fascination with the macabre. Bookish but beautiful despite sloppy loose-fitting clothes and an obvious disregard to putting them together.
Jack Pangloss
Jack is the publisher of the Nattie Nice series. Condescendingly sweet, Jack is like the college professor who pretends he's taking your question seriously when he really just thinks you're an idiot.
The Ghost
A novelist in life, this ghost has some serious anger management issues in death. While it’s a petulant, vindictive hell-beast from another realm, it does have quite a charming writing style. It will be played a shadows on the wall and have an eerie whispering echoey voice. This will make it both scary as it haunts Jill and provide comic juxtaposition as it helps Jill write
“The Painted Lady”.
The characters in
“The Painted Lady” story-within-a-story will be more whimsical and archetypal, befitting the children’s book they come from.
The Painted Lady
Jill’s alter-ego in “The Painted Lady” children’s
story-within-a-story (she will be played by the same actress who plays Jill). A grotesquely over made-up woman who hunts children while playing bridge. She wears an over abundance of evening wear.
Nattie Nice
A cute-as-a-button Dickensian-style orphan
girl. Nattie is almost the cardboard cutout
version of the adorable plucky child in bleak
circumstances. She wears the latest in
rag-based fashion.
A pudgy ragamuffin of a child
with the ability to open locks
with his mind. Riley is an easy-going and a true friend.
A scrawny but sweet street
urchin with the ability to create a disorienting light display. Trenton rounds out the threesome who must defeat the Painted Lady.